The International Barcodes Database

The International Barcodes Database is a barcode/product database run by the International Barcodes Network (IBN). It shows the ownership of all barcodes purchased from IBN members and allows barcode owners to upload product details including images, a website link, description, contact details and more. This makes it one of the most comprehensive barcodes database available online. The International Barcodes Database is connected to the International Barcode Registry (IBNREG), which is also run by the IBN Network. Barcodes and products registered on the International Barcodes Database will also be featured in the IBNREG database.

international barcodes database How do I register my barcodes?

If you purchased your barcodes from a member of the International Barcodes Network, then you will be able to register your barcodes for free on the International Barcodes Database ( Registration instructions will have been emailed to you at the time of your order.

If you want to register other barcode numbers (that were not issued to you by the International Barcodes Network) then you will need to purchase barcode registration from us – you can purchase barcode registration here.  After we receive your registration order (and proof of barcode ownership) we will activate your barcode numbers for registration and then send you an email with your receipt & instructions on how to register your barcode. Please note that we require proof that you own your barcode number. Please email this to us after you have placed your order above. This is to ensure that the barcode databases remain accurate and legitimate.

What are the benefits of barcode registration?

  • Your product details can appear on smartphone screens when your barcode is scanned, depending on which scanner app is used (the zebra barcode app is the best).
  • Your product information will show up in the search results if your barcode number is searched in Google or another search engine;
  • Registration increases the visibility of your product online. This will put people off attempting to illegally use your barcode number on places such as Amazon (as a quick online search will show that the barcode number is in use & owned by someone else). It is illegal for people to use barcode numbers owned by someone else – but it does sometimes happen (especially on sites like Amazon where proof of barcode ownership is not required).

Barcode or Product Search

You can search for a particular GTIN (EAN-13 or UPC) barcoxde number on the International Barcodes Database here

If you know the product, brand or company name (but not the barcode number) you can search for it on the International Barcode Registry (IBNREG) instead.